
Delight yourself in the Lord and he will give you the desires of your heart...

Thursday, January 1, 2015

A month flown by...

Wow, December was here and gone before I could even jump on here to update. December was an eventful month!

Wesley was having a great sleeping streak (sleeping from 9-2, 2-6). Then he got his 2 month shots in the middle of the month and it was a disaster for the rest of the month. He was back to screaming all night and only wanting to sleep if he was snuggled up to you which meant many nights with him in the baby bjorn on the couch. Hopefully we will get back to normal soon, we took him to get adjusted which usually helps.

We had our first visit with Wesleys birthmother. It was so amazing to see her. We were a little nervous and didnt quite know what to expect, but it went great. We went to Cincinnati and hung out at her apartment for awhile and then went out to lunch. It was just perfect. And she gave Wesley his first pair of real shoes- some Lebrons. (Not spoiled at all)

We also had the chance to celebrate our first Christmas as a family. Oh my- there are no words for how special that was! We are so blessed that our family loves him to death and there was no shortage of people who wanted their turn for snuggles. We were very blessed to get most of the rest of the items on our registries. Phil has been loving assembling all the new baby stuff! Our living room looks like baby central. I did well though, I only purchased some puzzles (for the future because they were an amazing deal), some 6 month clothes because he is too tall for 3 month stuff these days, some books, a duplicate of his favorite blanket, and a flannel sheet for his bed. (Now if I can only convince him it is okay to sleep laying down!!)

I also got to celebrate my first birthday as a Momma which was fun. We went out to lunch and had cake and presents with my Mom and Jon.

We spent New Years at home- we did make it until after midnight! We had some old friends and new friends over and it was a blast. The girls decided we need monthly girls nights! Wesley was enjoying snuggling up with everyone.

I have also been busy trying to get his baby scrapbook up to date. I have 5 pages done, I had to stop to get some more paper though. Im hoping to finish it over the next few days.

I have a few more days until Im back to work (yes, I would much rather stay home forever!!) I know, I know- we are all surprised! I love my school babies, but Wes has my heart and I have to say I am lacking my normal motivation to create new things for my room.

So that's about it. Thank you to everyone for putting up with my facebook picture explosion. Thank you to everyone for your continued well wishes and prayers. I can't believe I scheduled his 3 month pictures for January... it seems like yesterday we were rushing off to Cincinnati because K was in labor! Craziness. But thanks for sticking around for this crazy ride. Love you all!