It's been awhile since my last post. There
isn't anything great to share. I've been reading a few people's blogs who are
adopting from other countries. They constantly have something going it seems,
which would be really hard. For those of you wondering why we don't just adopt
from another country, partially it is the cost and partially because once you
are matched with a child- typically you do not get the child until they are 2
or older.
The only news I have to share in our
adoption journey is that we met with the new person in charge of the
department. She seems really great and knowledgable and has some great ideas to
get out in the community. We got some things straightened out and found out we
need 24 hours of classes before the end of August- yikes! We also found out
there are 37 families in the book, not 30 like we were told in December. This
was certainly an awful thing to find out since we thought they were capping at
30- the reason for the extra people was because there were people who had
already started homestudies so they couldn't say no. We also found out they
would potentially let other people into the book who are more diverse (most of
the couples in the book are caucasian, christian families between the ages of
25-50). Yeah- none of this was really music to my ears... but wait- there's
more! When we first got with the agency they were placing a lot of children
extremely quickly (17 in a year to be exact). The national average for an
agency is 8-10. Well we found out things might not have been done quite right
to the extent that there is a $3,000 birth mother's fund that can be used for
essentials for getting ready for the baby- clothes when their's no longer fit,
cab money to a doctor's appt, etc... well apparently the other person in charge
was getting pretty generous with that $3,000 (that is paid by the adoptive
couple when they are chosen) and buying the birth mom things that weren't baby
related (like new furniture)... I won't say what I'm sure you're thinking right
now. Anyway, not good and that is how they got so many babies in a year. The
new woman told us that she is hoping for 10 babies a year. So if you do the
math- that means we could wait 4+ years for a baby because once families are
chosen they will begin taking new families at some point. In case I haven't
mentioned before- there isn't an "order" to get the baby... we would
be close to the top if there was!! They talk to the birth mom and see what she
wants for her baby, then they cross check that list with the wants of the
adoptive couple and whoever matches up is in a book for the mother to look at.
So that's where we're at. This journey is
testing my faith more than I ever could have imagined.
I hate to admit this, but with all the
snow and being out of town we haven't been to church in forever so I got in my
mind that no matter what we were going to church yesterday. There was a guest
pastor from Michigan who had been part of a video that our church showed at
Christmas. There was a girl who had gotten pregnant at 16 and her whole family
was trying to convince her to get rid of the baby. Her Mom was the only person
who told her she could keep it and the weekend before she was going to get the
abortion she went to stay with her Mom and went to church for the first time.
Two years later, we got to meet the little girl who wouldn't have been here if
it hadn't been for that young girl deciding to go to church with her Mom. So
the pastor used this part of Genesis 15 for his talk...
2 But
Abram said, “Sovereign Lord, what can you give me since I remain
childless and the one who will inherit my estate is Eliezer of
Damascus?” 3 And
Abram said, “You have given me no children; so a servant in my
householdwill be my heir.”
4 Then
the word of the Lord came to him: “This man will not be your heir,
but a son who is your own flesh and blood will be your heir.” 5 He took him outside and said, “Look up at the sky and count the stars—if
indeed you can count them.” Then he said to him, “So shall your offspring[d] be.”
6 Abram
believed the Lord, and he credited it to him as righteousness.
Now, he also talked about how he could
hear Abram just whining to the lord about how he wanted a child. It made me
think, how often do I sound like that to God? This was a good reality check! I
would be lying if I said there weren't days I don't whine or that I'm not angry
or that I'm not often broughy to tears over our situation. It is on those days
that I know more than anything, I have to be patient and have faith in whatever
God's plan is for us.
So thank you to everyone who I know is
praying for us everyday, we are thankful beyond words for your support!